How do you get started…?

How soon do you want to create the possibility of becoming the better you?


Now is the first moment of the rest of your life.

It really truly is. Once you are willing to own that idea, the rest can be remarkably easy. All you need to do is - moment by moment - do what is right for you. To get started working with Dee, you simply set this intention and contact Dee. Either over the phone, or in person, Dee will invite you to discuss why you are asking for her help. But you don’t need to worry about what to say. Part of Dee’s skill is putting you at ease so that your words will flow like water from the fountain of truth.


how fast does this work?

As fast as you want it to. But of course, it’s not possible to provide any guarantees... each accomplishment is just one step on the journey of healing that began when you were born. Working with Dee can help you center on your path, know how to stay on it, and especially how to know the signs when you have wandered off. Your journey with Dee alongside will most certainly be more than a few days and probably more than a few weeks. Beyond that, it will be up to you, your personal journey, and your hunger for progress.



Dee’s extensive experience gives her the ability to make it possible to quickly assess the distance and terrain for each healing session. After your initial conversation with Dee, she will let you know what will be involved. When your sessions begin, Dee will take the lead. But as your journey progresses you will be surprised to find yourself out in front - anxious to direct and take the next step.

The heart craves healing.



I was skeptical. I've had a bad shoulder now for 35 years. Sports and an injury last year were the likely culprits. The pain would often keep me awake at night. I talked with Dee Merz and she suggested a treatment. I was skeptical. I eventually gave in. I laid down and she told me to take deep breaths and close my eyes and relax. My shoulder was bothering me at the time. A sharp pain like an ice pick was poking me as I tried to relax. As I said, I was skeptical.

Dee worked on me for about an hour. Then I just relaxed for ten minutes. After the treatment I had no pain. I went to bed that night and there was no pain. It went on like that for the last few weeks. I wouldn't have believed it if you told me. But now, three weeks later, I'm relatively pain free. I don't know how or why, but it worked for me. You can't argue with results. I am no longer skeptical. CL

—C.L., California